Getting Through Ubuntu & Windows Boot Loader

Ubuntu is a Debian based Operating System and is Open Source whereas on the other hand Windows being Closed Source.

Bootloader contains the set of instructions which loads an Operating System or some other System Software.

Windows bootloader named NTLDR shorted for NT LoaDeR where NT is the series of Operating Systems by Windows.
Windows NT is a family of OS by Microsoft where it's first version being Windows NT 3.1 and the latest version is Windows 10 Technical Preview and Windows 10 release is on 29th of July 2015.

Ubuntu bootloader is Grub2 since 9.10 (karmic koala), all the earlier versions of Ubuntu uses Grub.

What actually happens when you install Ubuntu and Windows in dual boot is:

  Suppose you have Windows Installed on your system and then you try to Install Ubuntu in it in Dual Boot mode.
So what actually happens in the NTLDR is pre-written and when you are installing Ubuntu the Grub2 or Grub bootloader depending upon which version you are using writes over NTLDR and makes entry of Windows as well as Ubuntu in the bootloader enrtyand then in booting process both options i.e. Windows as well as Ubuntu are available and you can boot into any one of them.

Deleting Ubuntu (In case you want)

People when want to delete Ubuntu what they generally do is they delete the partition in which Ubuntu is installed via Windows Partition Manager and then when you'll restart you'll get this screen.

error : no such partition.

grub rescue> _
The Reason behind this error is that when you delete the partition what you do is like you delete the drive but you forget to remove the bootloader which reads content from that specific drive only.

So to resolve this error we have two ways:

  1. First is to recover the partition if only the boot loader is corrupted while making some changes to it and that way is when you see this error try the following command:
  • Type command grub rescue> ls
    • To list all the partitions
  • Set boot option to a partition say msdos6
    • grub rescue> set boot = ( hd0, msdos6 )
  • Now Set the prefix to that same partition to locate grub where hd0 states your systems hard-drive 
    • grub rescue> set prefix = ( hd0, msdos6 )/boot/grub
  • To start the in normal mode we use
    • grub rescue> insmod normal
  • Normal command reads the config file /boot/grub/grub.cfg if 'grub.cfg' is found in the mentioned partition then system will run correctly
    • grub rescue> normal
If system doesn't run correctly then try it on other partitions and if none of them works then try the second option.

     2. For this you need a bootable device with Windows OS

  • Grab a pen-drive or DVD with bootable Windows OS and then boot using the bootable device and run Windows Setup
  • Select language and all and Click Next.
  • Click Repair your system
  • Open Command Prompt and Type
    • Bootrec.exe to start boot recovery program
    • They type
      • > fixMBR
      • > fixBoot
  • Reboot the System and you are good to go.
That is how boot loader works and you must get through this before going for Dual Boot option.

Next tutorial on: How to Install Ubuntu :: coming soon

Till then
Adios Lactores
Happy Blogging!!!


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