Swift vs Objective-C (What to choose and where to choose)

Good Morning Fellas,

Today we’ll be talking about iOS development! Don’t get too excited guys because this is not a hands-on for an iOS application development but you can consider it kind of prerequisite for development in iOS.

As we all know that what we require to start developing a new application is some sorts of technologies and some languages.

So what you’ll be needing for an iOS application development is as follows:

-> MacOS (VM will also do, just make sure you have enough R.A.M.)
-> xCode 7.0 ( preferred )
-> A language to code on (Swift or Objective-C )

So now let's have a look at what swift is and what Objective-C is, and what should you choose to start with the development of iOS application. Here I’ll try to cover all the pros and cons of both the languages and which one you have to choose is wholly your decision based on the demands of your project.

So let's begin with a brief definition of these. Here are the wiki definitions,

** Swift is a general purpose, multi-paradigm, compiled programming language created for iOS, OS x. watchOS, tvOS and Linux developed by Apple Inc.

**Objective-C is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that adds Smalltalk-style messaging to the C programming language. It was the main programming language used by Apple for OS X and iOS operating systems, and their respective API’s.

First of all, I want to tell you that Objective-C is not C#( C-sharp or C-hash). Objective is bind with Cocoa whereas C# is bind with .NET / WPF / LINQ . So I guess that gives you a not so vivid but a vague idea that how they are different.

If you want to know more about Objective-C vs C# then do let me know in the comments.

Let's first dive into what is Cocoa and Cocoa Touch and why they are so important to Objective-C and Swift as well. The term Cocoa is used to refer to any object or class that is based on the Objective-C runtime and inherits from the root class NSObject.

Just as java.lang.Object is the root class of Java same goes for Objective-C, Cocoa and Cocoa Touch are the defacto standard libraries for Objective-C, where Cocoa includes Foundation and AppKit framework which are used for developing apps for OS X whereas Cocoa Touch which includes Foundation and UIKit are used for developing apps for iOS.

Swift is designed with modern Technologies i.e. with features like safe, performant based code and is way faster then Python(Sorry if it hunted you but yes this is the truth), swift is 3.9 times faster than Python as claimed by Apple in WWDC but yes every stone has its value in different places so this speed does not mean that Python can be replaced by swift and also the programmers love for Python won’t die( I cannot start discussing Python since it’ll end up making this a pretty long blog)

So If you want to code for application which interacts on with real world application and 3rd party plugins or services so for that can use Swift whereas on the other hand if you want to develop system apps which are more oriented towards interaction with a compiler and basic operating system then I’ll suggest you go for Objective C [Also for the speed thing Swift is approximately 1.5 times faster thanObjective-CC but as described earlier it all depends on the state or environment you are working on].

For Swift and Objective pros and cons you can refer to this link:
pros-and-cons>, it has a great explanation of the aforementioned topic.

Hope you had a great reading experience, feel free to drop some suggestions in the comment section below.

Next Blog : iOS application development guide 101 using Swift 2.2

Adios Lactores

Till then,

Happy Blogging


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