Hacking Password in Ubuntu

Today the blog is on how to hack the password or let's say resetting the password of any user you want.
In Ubuntu resetting user password is so easy but if that is the case then you'll be thinking that if it's so easy then how come Ubuntu is more secure then Windows.

The thing is in Windows I'll definitely say it's little complicated but in windows, you can reset the password of admin along with other users but in case of Ubuntu you can reset the password of users only but cannot do that with the root user and without root, you cannot perform most of the functions like installing new packages and most other things.

So now putting theory aside let's begin with the practical.

First of all, let me tell you that there are total of 3 methods to reset the password but this blog will tell you only 1 of them, which has a 100% success rate so why bother with the other 2.

Let's Begin::

  1. Hold shift during boot to start the GRUB menu.

  2. Press the 'e' key to edit the selected image.

  3. In the code find the line starting with Linux, take bottom to top approach for this.

  4. append the line with 'init=/bin/bash'

  5. Press Ctrl+X or F10 to boot

  6. In the CLI type passwd <username>

  7. Set the new password

  8. use 'init 6' or 'halt' or 'reboot' to restart.

  9. Then you are all set and can log in with the new password.

This is how you hack the password of a particular user in Ubuntu.

Next Blog is hacking the password in RHEL 7 !!!

If you want a blog on Windows hacking then drop a comment.

Till then,
Adios Lactores
Happy Blogging!!! 


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