Terms you often see in Ubuntu
Today's blog will be on Terms which we often see while using Ubuntu but we usually ignore them as they are not of our use and doesn't bother us with anything. Terms which will be discussed today will be: purge saucy yannubuntu IGN HIT GET PPA launchpad i386 amd64 x86_64 Backports Purge , purge is a package that is used to remove applications completely and removing all the instances of it. We can do that by using one of the following commmands: > sudo apt-get purge > sudo apt-get --purge remove Whether they should or shouldn't both exist is perhaps a debating point. However - they are absolutely identical. You can also check that by going through the man page of apt-get. Saucy is basically Saucy Salamander who provides two images for ubuntu where one is the desktop version, the desktop image allows you to try Ubuntu without changing your computer at all, and at your option to install it permanently later. Second is the server image, t...